Objective 3

Promote gender equality and human rights through advocacy and awareness.

Promote gender equality and human rights through advocacy and awareness.

Objective Activities.

  1. Establishment of primary and secondary school clubs to fight gender stereotype. Children learn a lot from their early childhood, from family, friends, books, school, neighborhood, media and books. Stereotypes starts from early ages therefore being in these clubs they gain awareness on how to grow in gender –equitable environments.
  2. Conducting school programs educating on gender equality and respect as core values.
  3. Children have to imbibe a spirit of mutual respect for all irrespective of their sex, socio economic ,religion, region and education status since they are young. When these core values are ingrained in young minds then the outcome is gender equality.
  4. Conducting media programs to promote positive gender roles models and equitable gender roles through movies, shows, articles and documentaries.
  5. Training on gender based violence to men and women, girls and youth