Our Objectives

Pomote women and youth initiatives through advocacy partnership, collaboration, social outfit models, institutional mechanism, and new technologies.
Mobilizing the community involvement in community based social care service project making them own projects for sustainability.
Promote leadership and participation to women and youth
Campaigns to advocate for women on elimination of structural and legal obstacles that hinder women’s participation in politics and decision making.
Promote gender equality and human rights through advocacy and awareness.
Establishment of primary and secondary school clubs to fight gender stereotype. Children learn a lot from their early childhood, from family, friends, books, school, neighborhood, media and books. Stereotypes starts from early ages therefore being in these clubs they gain awareness on how to grow in gender –equitable environments.
Accelerate economic empowerment to women and youth
Training to women, men, girls and young mothers on entrepreneurship skills and income generating activities (Food processing, Gardening, VICOBA, pond fishing and many others.)
Promote safety and security to women and youth through environmental initiatives
Establishment of health committee team in the organization to monitor environmental and health status, diagnose and investigate environmental health problems, inform, educate and empower the community, women men, and youth about environmental issues, mobilize community partnership to identify and solve environmental issues.
Promote men’s initiatives in women’s programs.
Conducting community outreach programs where prevention of gender based violence, fatherhood, maternal, new born and child health, gender socialization, sexual and reproduction health will be discussed in groups of men and boys.